Source code for ipywidgets.widgets.widget_date

# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

"""Color class.

Represents an HTML Color .

from .widget_description import DescriptionWidget
from .valuewidget import ValueWidget
from .widget import register
from .widget_core import CoreWidget
from .trait_types import Date, date_serialization
from traitlets import Unicode, Bool, Union, CInt, CaselessStrEnum, TraitError, validate

[docs]@register class DatePicker(DescriptionWidget, ValueWidget, CoreWidget): """ Display a widget for picking dates. Parameters ---------- value: The current value of the widget. disabled: bool Whether to disable user changes. Examples -------- >>> import datetime >>> import ipywidgets as widgets >>> date_pick = widgets.DatePicker() >>> date_pick.value =, 7, 9) """ _view_name = Unicode('DatePickerView').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('DatePickerModel').tag(sync=True) value = Date(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, **date_serialization) disabled = Bool(False, help="Enable or disable user changes.").tag(sync=True) min = Date(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, **date_serialization) max = Date(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, **date_serialization) step = Union( (CInt(1), CaselessStrEnum(["any"])), help='The date step to use for the picker, in days, or "any".', ).tag(sync=True) @validate("value") def _validate_value(self, proposal): """Cap and floor value""" value = proposal["value"] if value is None: return value if self.min and self.min > value: value = max(value, self.min) if self.max and self.max < value: value = min(value, self.max) return value @validate("min") def _validate_min(self, proposal): """Enforce min <= value <= max""" min = proposal["value"] if min is None: return min if self.max and min > self.max: raise TraitError("Setting min > max") if self.value and min > self.value: self.value = min return min @validate("max") def _validate_max(self, proposal): """Enforce min <= value <= max""" max = proposal["value"] if max is None: return max if self.min and max < self.min: raise TraitError("setting max < min") if self.value and max < self.value: self.value = max return max