# Developer Release Procedure To release a new version of the widgets on PyPI and npm, first checkout the `main` branch and `cd` into the repo root. ``` cd release conda deactivate conda remove --all -y -n releasewidgets rm -rf ipywidgets conda create -c conda-forge --override-channels -y -n releasewidgets notebook nodejs "yarn=3.*" twine jupyterlab=4 jupyter-packaging python-build jq "python==3.9.*" conda activate releasewidgets git clone git@github.com:jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets.git cd ipywidgets ``` ## Fix the widget spec If there were changes in the widget model specification (i.e., any change made to any widget attributes), we need to update the model specification version and record the documented attributes. First, update the relevant model specification versions. For example, the commit https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/commit/fca6f355605dc9e04062ce0eec4a7acbb5632ae2 updated the controls model version. We follow the semver spec for model version numbers, so model changes that are backwards-incompatible should be major version bumps, while backwards-compatible additions should be minor version bumps. Next, regenerate the model spec with the new version numbers by doing something like this in the repository root directory: ``` (cd python/ipywidgets; pip install -e .) python ./packages/schema/generate-spec.py -f json-pretty packages/schema/jupyterwidgetmodels.latest.json python ./packages/schema/generate-spec.py -f markdown packages/schema/jupyterwidgetmodels.latest.md ``` Copy `packages/schema/jupyterwidgetmodels.latest.md` to an appropriately-named markdown file (see the existing model spec files in that directory for the naming convention). This documents the widget model specification for a specific ipywidget release. Commit the changes (don't forget to `git add` the new model spec file). ## Publish the npm modules ``` # clean out all dirty files git checkout main git pull origin main git reset --hard origin/main git clean -fdx yarn install yarn run bump # Check the latest commit to make sure it is correct yarn publish ``` Lerna will prompt you for version numbers for each of the changed npm packages in the version step. Lerna will then change the versions appropriately (including the interdependency versions), commit, and tag. The `yarn publish` step then publishes the public packages that were versioned to npm. ## Configure twine username If you have 2FA on, make sure you have your `~/.pypirc` file set to: ``` [pypi] username = __token__ ``` Or set the environment variable ``` export TWINE_USERNAME=__token__ ``` ## `jupyterlab_widgets` Go into the `python/jupyterlab_widgets` directory. Change `jupyterlab_widgets/_version.py` to reflect the new version number. ``` (cd python/jupyterlab_widgets && pyproject-build . && twine upload dist/*) ``` Verify that the package is uploaded. ``` curl -s https://pypi.org/pypi/jupyterlab-widgets/json | jq -r '[.releases[][] | [.upload_time, .digests.sha256, .filename] | join(" ")] | sort ' ``` ## `widgetsnbextension` Go into the `python/widgetsnbextension` directory. Change `widgetsnbextension/_version.py` to reflect the new version number. ``` (cd python/widgetsnbextension && pyproject-build . && twine upload dist/*) ``` Verify that the package is uploaded. ``` curl -s https://pypi.org/pypi/widgetsnbextension/json | jq -r '[.releases[][] | [.upload_time, .digests.sha256, .filename] | join(" ")] | sort ' ``` ## `ipywidgets` Go into the `python/ipywidgets` directory. Change `ipywidgets/_version.py` to reflect the new version number, and if necessary, a new `__html_manager_version__`. Change the `install_requires` parameter in `setup.cfg` reference the new widgetsnbextension and jupyterlab_widgets version. ``` (cd python/ipywidgets && pyproject-build . && twine upload dist/*) ``` Verify that the package is uploaded: ``` curl -s https://pypi.org/pypi/ipywidgets/json | jq -r '[.releases[][] | [.upload_time, .digests.sha256, .filename] | join(" ")] | sort ' ``` ## Push changes back Calculate the hashes of the uploaded files. You could use a small shell script, for example, like this on macOS (put in `scripts/hashes`): ```sh #!/bin/sh for f in $@ do echo "$f" echo md5: `md5 -q "$f"` echo sha1: `shasum -a 1 "$f" | awk '{print $1}'` echo sha256: `shasum -a 256 "$f" | awk '{print $1}'` echo done ``` Using the above script, you can do: ``` ./scripts/hashes python/ipywidgets/dist/* ./scripts/hashes python/widgetsnbextension/dist/* ./scripts/hashes python/jupyterlab_widgets/dist/* ``` Commit the changes you've made above, and include the uploaded files hashes in the commit message. Tag the release if ipywidgets was released. Push to origin `main` (and include the tag in the push), e.g: ``` git add -p git commit -m "Release: ipywidgets 8.1.3, widgetsnbextension 4.0.11, jupyterlab_widgets 3.0.11" git commit --amend git tag 8.1.3 git push origin main 8.1.3 ``` Update conda-forge packages (if the requirements changed to ipywidgets, make sure to update widgetsnbextension first). # Release Notes ## Changelog - Modify `scripts/milestone_check.py` to include the release and commit range for the release, and run `python scripts/milestone_check.py` to check the issues assigned to this milestone - Write release highlights. You can use the list generated below as a starting point: ```bash loghub jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets -m XXX -t $GITHUB_TOKEN --template scripts/release_template.txt ``` ## Example Here is an example of the release statistics for ipywidgets 7.0. It has been 157 days since the last release. In this release, we closed [127 issues](https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A7.0) and [216 pull requests](https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/pulls?q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A7.0+is%3Aclosed) with [1069](https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/compare/6.0.0...7.0.0) commits, of which 851 are not merges. Here are some commands used to generate some of the statistics above. ``` # merges since in 6.0.0, but not 7.0.0, which is a rough list of merged PRs git log --merges 6.0.0...main --pretty=oneline # To really make sure we get all PRs, we could write a program that # pulled all of the PRs, examined a commit in each one, and did # `git tag --contains ` to see if that PR commit is included # in a previous release. # issues closed with no milestone in the time period # is:issue is:closed closed:"2016-07-14 .. 2017-02-28" # date of 6.0.0 tag git show -s --format=%cd --date=short 6.0.0^{commit} # Non-merge commits in 7.0.0 not in any 6.x release git log --pretty=oneline --no-merges ^6.0.0 main | wc -l # Authors of non-merge commits git shortlog -s 6.0.0..main --no-merges | cut -c8- | sort -f # New committers: authors unique in the 6.0.0..7.0.0 logs, but not in the 6.0.0 log comm -23 <(git shortlog -s -n 6.0.0..main --no-merges | cut -c8- | sort) <(git shortlog -s -n 6.0.0 --no-merges | cut -c8- | sort) | sort -f ```